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For the 192,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer last year, Dr. Mitch Gold's Seattle-based BioTech company Dendreon may hold the key to their survival. The Food and Drug Administration last April finally approved Provenge, a prostate cancer vaccine that stimulates the body's own immune system to attack tumors. In one clinical trial, Provenge extended the lives of patients with prostate cancer on average by 4.1 months, with 32% of patients still alive three years after treatment. While Gold and Dendreon stand to benefit -- it's estimated Provenge could generate more than $1 billion in U.S. sales -- ultimately the real beneficiaries will be the patients themselves.
截止去年产生了的19.2万前列腺癌症患者,Mitch Gold医生坐落于西雅图的Dendreon生物医药公司似乎掌握了这些人的生死。美国的食品以及药物管理委员会在去年4月份通过了对Provenge的审核,这个癌症疫苗强化了身体免疫系统,使免疫系统会主动攻击肿瘤。在一项实验中,Provenge平均延长了前列腺癌症患者的生命4.1个月,并且32%的人使用了这个药物的在次年依然存活。虽然Gold和他的公司必然要收益,但是面对Provenge在美国市场10亿的销量,毫无疑问最终受益的也会使消费者。