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快乐秘籍21式 快乐其实很简单!


Be Your Own BFF 做自己最好的朋友

Enjoy your own company. Embrace everything about you! Without a doubt, it’s the most important step towards being a happy person. 享受一个人的时光,拥抱自己的一切。不要怀疑,这是迈向快乐的重要基石。

Smile, Giggle, Snigger, or Chuckle! 微笑、傻笑、偷笑、咯咯笑,总之各种笑!

Smiling releases serotonin in the brain, which instantaneously gives your mood a lift. 笑可以释放大脑中的血清素,立刻提升情绪。

Warm Up Your Tootsies 温暖你的脚

Pull on your best pair of warm socks, wiggle your toes and enjoy a cozy kind of bliss. 穿上最暖和的袜子,动动脚趾,享受舒适的快乐。

Sing Out Loud! 大声唱出来!

Shut the doors and the windows tight, put on your favorite song, and let your voice ring! 关紧门窗,放上最爱的音乐,让你的声音响起来吧!

Indulge in Dark Chocolate 爱上黑巧克力的味道

Savor a small piece and watch your mood improve. 尽情享受一小块,你的情绪会很快提升。

Expect a Miracle 期待奇迹

Believe that something wonderful will happen for you today. The universe is waiting to shower happy blessings on you. 相信今天会有美好的事情发生在自己身上,全世界都在等着给你快乐的祝福。

Meditate, Pray, and Chant 沉思,期待,唱诵

Research shows that people who are spiritual tend to be happier and healthier than those who are not. 调查显示,有精神信仰的人比起那些没有的人要快乐和健康。