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快乐秘籍21式 快乐其实很简单!


Laugh at Your Shortcomings 对自己的缺点一笑而过

We all make mistakes; none of us is perfect. Forgive your imperfections, accept your faults, and laugh. 我们都会犯错,人无完人。原谅自己的不完美,接受自己的缺点,一笑而过。

Sleep, Baby, Sleep 睡吧,宝贝

Seven or eight hours each night should increase your energy and decrease moodiness. 每晚睡上7到8个小时可以为你增加能量,减少情绪低落。

Count Your Blessings Daily 每天想想收到的祝福

Gratitude, the emotion of thankfulness, is one of the key ingredients for living a happy life. Make gratitude a habit and happiness will be yours. 满怀感恩之心。感激的情绪是快乐生活的关键因素。让感激成为一种习惯,你就会拥有快乐。

Wake Up Early! 早起

Start the day off on a happy foot, with a happy thought. The morning hours are full of spiritual energy and prana (life force). 一日之计在于晨,踏着轻快的脚步带着欢乐的情绪开始新的一天。早晨的时光充满精神能量和生命力。

Let the Sun Shine In 让阳光洒进来

20 minutes of sunlight per day improves mood and wards of Seasonal Affection Disorder (SAD). 每天享受20分钟的阳光,让你提升情绪,远离季节性情感障碍(SAD).

Create a Positive Affirmation 为自己想一句积极的格言

Think it, read it, say it, sing it! "My happiness brings me more happiness." 比如说:“快乐带给我更多的快乐”每天想想这句话,读出来,说出来,唱出来!

Say "Good Job!" 对自己说“干得不错!”

Give yourself permission to pat yourself on the back. Recognize your accomplishments and positive qualities. 允许自己鼓励自己,认识到自己的成就和积极的品质