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快乐秘籍21式 快乐其实很简单!


Catch Happiness from Others 抓住别人传递的快乐

Remembering that happiness is contagious, surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values, goals, and dreams. 要记住快乐是会传染的,让自己和快乐积极向上的人在一起,和他们分享你的价值观、目标和你梦想。

Grow a Garden 种个花园

Watching plants grow and thrive under your care is thrilling! 看着植物在你的照料下生长繁荣是很让人兴奋的一件事。

Pencil in 'Quiet' Time 享受安静时刻

Each and every day sit awhile, without television, without magazines, without the Internet. Just be! 每天静坐半刻,没有电视,没有杂志,没有网络,只是自己,静静的。

Look to the Future 期待未来

Set goals and then make plans to succeed and take action. Pursuing something we value always makes us happy. 为自己设定目标,做出通往成功的计划,采取行动,追求我们想要的东西总是会让我们开心。

Accept What You Cannot Change 接受自己不能改变的事实
Don't waste your precious time, energy, or thoughts on something that is beyond your control. Let it go. 不要把珍贵的时间、精力和思想浪费在你没法控制的事情上,随它去。

Take a Cat Nap 打个盹儿

A 10-minute nap is all it takes to rejuvenate your spirit and get the happiness to flow. 小睡10分钟,可以让你恢复精神,让快乐的情绪在心中流淌。

Love Everything 爱一切

Love who you are. Love what you are doing. Love the person you're with. Love your friends and your enemies, too. Love! Love! Love! 爱你自己本身的模样,爱你正在做的事,爱和你在一起的人,爱你的朋友也爱你的敌人。爱所有人,爱所有事。