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The art of memory has fascinated us since…well, I can’t quite remember. Nowadays however, there seem to be so many more things to keep track of. From what floor our dentist office is on, to an average of seven passwords and PIN numbers per person, we use our memories more than ever before. Improve your memory by choosing the right foods, and here is a fistful of five foods for the memory which are both respected by science and revered by the ancients.
记忆艺术的魅力让我们深深着迷,那是从什么时候开始的呢?唉,我都记不清了。 现实生活中有太多东西要记住了,牙医办公室在几楼?各种密码是多少?我们用到记忆力的地方太多了。提高记忆力,要选择正确的食物,下面这五种食物受到科学和古老文明的一致推崇,是提高记忆力的不二食疗法宝: