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Yet for all the mishaps along the way, more Chinese are learning English and more Americans and other nationalities are learning to speak Chinese. At the recent Canton Fair, where retailers and wholesalers from places as far-flung as Ethiopia and Brazil discussed consignments of office furniture and Christmas decorations, it was apparent how much easier it has become to do business in China. Almost everyone spoke enough English to get by just fine with a bit of sign language, a decent product catalogue and that handy tool for all complicated haggling in China — the calculator.


But, as Chinglish brilliantly sets out, the problems of two vastly different cultures interacting but never quite integrating have less to do with language than one would think.


When Daniel is pitching to a Chinese official who asks out loud "Why should we put our faith in him?", Daniel counter-intuitively lets on that he used to work for Enron. The Chinese are transfixed. Did he know Kenneth Lay? Did he know Jeffrey Skilling? Ms Xi, Daniel’s mistress, a government official who is also present at the pitch, tries to swing the deal his way by saying, "Mr Cavanaugh knew them all! He was a chief architect of the disaster!" Never, says the awestruck official presiding over the meeting, has such a world-famous financial figure come to Guiyang.

当丹尼尔向一位中国官员推销时,这位官员大声问道:“我们为何要相信他?”,丹尼尔违反直觉的透露,他曾为安然(Enron)工作过。中国人呆住了。他认识肯尼斯.莱(Kenneth Lay)吗?他认识杰弗里.斯基林(Jeffrey Skilling)吗?丹尼尔的情妇Xi是一名政府官员,她也在场。她试图让这笔交易按丹尼尔的计划进行,她说道:“卡瓦诺认识他们所有人!他是这场灾难的主设计师!”主持会议的官员肃然起敬地说,从来没有这样一位世界闻名的金融人物来过贵阳。

Chinglish is a play, of course, but similar differences in outlook abound in real life when doing business in China. Recently, the world's largest retailer, Walmart, was ordered to close all 13 of its stores in the city of Chongqing for 15 days because ordinary pork had been mislabelled as organic. The Chongqing government railed about how often the retailer had been in trouble with the city administration; Walmart announced that its China CEO and local head of HR were resigning for "personal reasons". It outlined the "rectification actions" it had taken.


But when they reopened, consumers mobbed the stores and said the bargains were better than ever — they didn't care what the Chongqing officials thought.


As Daniel says while giving a lecture in the US at the end of Chinglish: "Nowadays to be successful, you have to understand your place in their [China's] picture. Just be aware that you may not — well, I can assure you that you will not get everything you want. And that may just have to be enough."
