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Will performance-enhancing drugs mar this summer's Olympic Games in London? All of us hope not, but history isn't encouraging. Recent gold-medal stars like the sprinters Ben Johnson of Canada and Marion Jones of the U.S. were stripped of their Olympic glory after they were convicted of using illegal substances.

能够提高运动员成绩的药物会玷污今年的伦敦夏季奥运会吗?我们所有的人都不希望这样,但是历史并不能给我们以信心。近些年来,像加拿大的本•约翰逊(Ben Johnson)和美国的玛丽安•琼斯(Marion Jones)这些摘得奥运金牌的短跑名将都因后来被证实使用了违禁药品而被取消了荣誉。

Indeed, since 1968, the International Olympic Committee has taken gold, silver or bronze medals from more than 40 athletes. Each has suffered a certain disgrace at the hands of the media, to be sure, but perhaps it is time to consider a more refined punishment for such offenders. Here we might learn something from our Greek forebears.
实际上,自从1968年以来,国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)已经取消了40多名运动员的金、银、铜牌。诚然,他们每一个人都因媒体曝光而名誉扫地,但是现在也许该考虑考虑能否采取更好的方式处罚违规者了──兴许我们可以从希腊先辈们那里学点经验。

Just outside the entrance to the ancient stadium in Olympia - the site of the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. - stand a series of crumbling stone bases known as the Zanes. Battered remains of bronze statues (the earliest are thought to date from 388 B.C.), they once stood as an Olympic walk of shame.

If an athlete broke his Olympic oath - common violations included bribery, tardiness, cowardice, lying and fraud - he was fined and forced to purchase a statue of Zeus. The name of the athlete and, in some cases, his father's name plus his Greek city-state were inscribed on the base of the statue, which was then placed along the entranceway to the great stadium.

Why statues to Zeus? Greek myth held that Zeus had defeated Kronos in a wrestling match for possession of the earth, so Olympic competition, held close to the god's massive temple, was seen as a sacred act or privilege, available only to a select few. As athletes neared the field of play, herded by priests and whip-bearers, they were reminded of all who had offended Zeus and disgraced their home communities. They were made to understand that cheaters would be immortalized in stone.

What might it look like if we tried to re-establish this worthy ancient institution?