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遍尝各种减肥方法的你,始终是个胖子,你的减肥血泪史都可以出书了,有没有?为什么别人都瘦下来了,就你没有?事实是,你用错了方法!那些看似不起眼的小动作才是阻碍你的减肥大业的元凶!You Rely on Convenient Transportation


You take the elevator when you need to go up a few floors, youget on the little motorized walk ramp at the airport, and you parkas close to the front door as possible. At first glance, choosingthese little convenient modes of transportation doesn't appear tomake much of a difference in your daily life. The fact is, they do.A flight of stairs burns, on average, 15 calories. If you're takingstairs at work, the mall or in your home on an average day, thatcould add up to 225 or more extra calories burned. Walk a bitfurther to get to the front door when you're shopping and you couldburn an extra 30. Forgoing the automatic walkway in the airport -an extra 100! When given the opportunity, use your body, not theelevator or the car. That's what it's made for.

You Love Your Diet Cola

No calories mean no weight gain, right? This is the popularline of reasoning for many diet soda drinkers. Unfortunately,current research indicates a possible link between artificialsweetener consumption and weight gain. A study in the journalDiabetes Care found that daily consumption of diet soda wasassociated with a 36 percent greater relative risk of developingmetabolic syndrome and a 67 percent greater relative risk ofdeveloping Type 2 diabetes compared with non-consumption. Inaddition to this, the presence of constant artificial sweeteners inthe diet means you're never really letting your taste buds get abreak from the sweet taste you love. The more you drink diet soda,the longer you'll remain trapped in the sugar cycle and continue tocrave.

You're Off in Outer Space

The feel, smell and satisfaction of food are one of the mainpleasures of life. You may miss these food advantages though ifyou're like most people and spend your meals and snacks in front ofa TV, computer screen or newspaper. If this sounds like you, you'reprobably taking in way more calories than you think. A 2010 studyin the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that adding stimuliduring mealtime increased not only the amount of food an individualconsumed at that particular meal, but also increased calorieconsumption later in the day as well. Enjoy your food and thecompany of friends and family, it will help you lost.