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Your Friends Don't Support You

Have you ever had a friend who knows you're trying to loseweight and eat healthy, but still tempts you with "it won't killyou to have a few bites of (insert tempting high sugar, fat andcalorie food here)." Support is crucial when it comes to successfulweight loss and maintenance, and having a toxic person close to youcan really throw you off. What you really need is a supportivebuddy who you can lean on in good times and bad; someone who willkeep you on track and compliment you when you lose weight. A 2005study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology foundthat individuals were most successful with weight loss when they"buddied" up with like-minded people with the same healthy goals asthey had.

You "Diet" During The Week - But Go Hog Wild On TheWeekends

Many people have the same complaint: "How come I'm not losingweight? I barely eat anything!" At the most basic level, weightloss is a matter of numbers; consume fewer calories than you expendand you'll lose weight. However, in this case, too much of a goodthing can actually sabotage your weight loss effort. When we feedour body the proper fuel, we have endless energy. As the intake ofcalories drops to very low levels, our body moves into starvationmode. This starvation mode triggers a lower metabolism as the bodybecomes super efficient at using what little energy or fuel itreceives. Fewer calories are burned and weight loss comes to astop. If you choose to give yourself a "pass" on the weekends forall your hard work starving yourself during the week, expect notonly difficulty with weight loss; you may actually experienceweight gain. Slow metabolism plus a Saturday/Sunday food and drinkfest ... you do the math.

You're Getting Fewer Than 5 Hours A Night

Sleep is great for your brain, your skin, and, as it turnsout, your weight as well. An abundant amount of research indicatesthat a lack of sleep alters the digestive hormones that areresponsible for hunger and fullness. A lack of sleep may mean aloss of control of your portions the next day and an increasedcraving for sweets, fat and carbohydrates. Shoot for eight hours ofsleep each night and you're more likely to achieve great skin,great productivity and a great weight!