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Certainly there is a need for it - and not just for the Olympics. The former All-Star pitcher Roger Clemens remains in court, attempting to clear his name in a scandal that has forever tarnished the game of baseball. In football, the New Orleans Saints will not soon recover from the penalties and suspensions imposed by the NFL for the team's outrageous system of bounties for disabling opposing players. And whole books have been written about the cheaters in international swimming and weightlifting, to say nothing of the Tour de France.
这样做当然有必要──不光是对奥运会而言。前全明星投手罗杰•克莱门斯(Roger Clemens)还在等待法庭的裁决,希望能与一桩永远玷污了棒球运动的丑闻摆脱干系。在橄榄球界,新奥尔良圣徒队(New Orleans Saints)不会很快就从美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)对其的处罚和禁赛中缓过劲来──该球队制订的奖励伤害对方队员行为的制度简直骇人听闻。已经有专门的图书出版,揭露国际游泳和举重比赛中的欺诈行为。至于环法自行车赛(Tour de France)那就更不用提了。

In fact, the Tour de France, which starts later this month, may be just the place to start with Zanes of our own. We could immortalize in marble and bronze such recent, but now repudiated, winners as Floyd Landis, Marco Pantani and Jan Ullrich. And given the recent decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport to strip 2010 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador of his title for alleged drug use, he could be included too. Imagine the effect if, in June, the riders competing in the 2012 Tour were forced to race down the Champs-Elysees, whizzing past statues of disgraced former winners?
实际上,本月末开赛的环法自行车赛也许正是开始树立我们的宙斯像群的地方。我们可以在大理石或青铜上永远刻下那些近年来成绩遭到否定的人的名字,比如弗洛伊德•兰迪斯(Floyd Landis)、马可•潘塔尼(Marco Pantani)和扬•乌尔里希(Jan Ullrich)。考虑到国际体育仲裁法庭(the Court of Arbitration for Sport)最近以服用违禁药物为由,决定取消2010年环法自行车赛冠军得主阿尔伯托•康塔多(Alberto Contador)的冠军称号,他也可以位列其中。想想如果六月份参加2012年环法自行车赛的选手必须经过香榭丽舍大街,从以前那些丢人现眼的获胜者雕像前呼啸而过,效果会是怎样呢?

How would modern athletes respond if a Zanes-like protocol was established in modern temples of sports like Yankee Stadium or Pauley Pavilion at UCLA? What would happen if, as fans and athletes entered, they were obliged to acknowledge the crimes of their heroes and peers? If nothing else, it would finally give some bite to our endless rhetoric about players who 'bring the game into disrepute.'
如果一个类似宙斯像群的规程在扬基体育场(Yankee Stadium)或加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的保利•帕维隆体育馆(Pauley Pavilion)这些现代体育场馆建立起来,现在的运动员会作出何种反应?当球迷和运动员进入比赛场馆的时候,如果他们被迫回想自己心目中那些英雄和同行的不轨行为,会有何种情形发生?即使没有什么别的作用,它最终至少会对我们谈论那些“给某项运动带来耻辱”的运动员时经常使用粉饰之辞这一点产生影响。

Or maybe we could update the ancient idea for the digital age. Would the behavior of athletes change if those convicted of crimes against their sport had to pay for the creation of a five-minute video for, say, the National Baseball Hall of Fame, showcasing their guilt? Their statistics might disappear from the official record books to be replaced by a notice about their transgressions (and perhaps the names of their parents). Their home-run titles or Cy Young awards would not be listed with asterisks; they would simply be wiped away.
抑或我们可以将古代的做法升级至数字时代的形式。如果一个被发现在比赛中有不法行为的运动员必须支付一段五分钟视频的制作费用,视频取名为《国家棒球名人堂》(National Baseball Hall of Fame),用来昭示他的过错,运动员的行为会有所改观吗?对他们的统计数字会从官方的记录中消失,取而代之的是关于他们不法行为的通告(也许还要加上他们父母的名字)。他们的全垒打功绩或赛扬奖(Cy Young)荣誉不再是被标记上星号,而是直接从记录中抹去。

As the Olympics unfold this summer, it should not come as a surprise that some of the athletes competing will be 'dirty.' What's notable is that international Olympic officials and national Olympic committees have been unable to create more permanent representations of athletes who have failed to honor the code of fair completion. Maybe it's time to set such things in stone again.