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二战老兵200次逃出集中营 只为与德国女友相会

When he was transferred to a factory prison, Rosa was heartbroken and pursued him – but she had no access to the lock-up.

So night after night Horace, then aged just 21, risked his life by breaking out of his cell to meet his young lover.

For two-and-a-half years, he evaded guards to meet Rosa in a chapel – before sneaking back into his cell carrying food for his starving comrades. He only returned to the camp because there was nowhere to run as it was surrounded by Nazi-occupied countries.

Horace, from Ibstock, Leicestershire, was liberated on May 24, 1945, and continued to receive letters from Rosa – by then a translator for the Americans.

But the correspondence suddenly stopped and tragically he eventually found out Rosa had died in childbirth not long after he got home. He never knew if the baby was his.

Horace married wife Brenda and the couple moved to Spain’s Costa Brava, where he died two years ago aged 91.

His amazing story was turned into a book called Do The Birds Still Sing In Hell? – which was ghostwritten by Ken Scott, in 2008.

US-based Silverline Productions bought the rights and have hired Mission Impossible III producer Stratton Leopold to bring it to the big screen. Scott is flying to Georgia in the next few weeks for a read-through of the script.

He said: “I can say it will be a mix of German and British actors and they are A-listers. As for the director, they are currently choosing between two. Finally people will see Horace’s amazing story on the big screen.”