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被观众嫌胖 美国女主播公开强势回应


A local news anchor took the air Tuesday to blast a viewer who attacked her for being overweight.

Jennifer Livingston of WKBT in La Crosse, Wis., slammed the viewer on-air after he wrote in to complain that Livingston wasn't "a suitable example for this community's young people, girls in particular" because of her size.

被观众嫌胖 美国女主播公开强势回应

"I was surprised indeed to witness that your physical condition hasn't improved for many years," the viewer wrote in the email titled "Community Responsibility."
“看到这几年来你的身体状况都没有得到改善,我实在很惊讶。” 这位观众在标题为“社会责任”的电子邮件中写道。

"I leave you this note hoping that you'll reconsider your responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote a healthy lifestyle."
“我给你写这封信是希望你能多加考虑自己作为一个地方公众人物的职责所在——呈现并提倡健康的生活方式” 。

The letter quickly went viral after her husband, fellow WKBT anchor Mike Thompson posted it to his Facebook page Friday, telling followers that it made him "sick to his stomach."

WKBT TV anchor Jennifer Livingston got this letter from a viewer and used it to highlight bullying about weight and other issues on her show.

On Tuesday, Livingston thanked the "hundreds" of people who have supported her — a response she called "truly inspiring" — before taking on her attacker.