职场生活: 你胖没关系, 有老板为你买单
Now, the company will reward only those workers who meet healthy standards for blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and waist size─under 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men. Employees who hit baseline requirements in three or more categories will receive up to $1, 000 to reduce their annual deductibles. Those who don't qualify must sign up for a health-coaching program in order to earn a smaller credit.
Employee-rights advocates say the penalties are akin to 'legal discrimination.' While companies are calling them wellness incentives, the penalties are essentially salary cuts by a different name, says Lew Maltby, president of Princeton, N.J.-based National Workrights Institute, a noNPRofit advocacy group for employee rights in the workplace. 'No one ever calls a bad thing what it really is, ' he says. 'It means millions of people are getting their pay cut for no legitimate reason.'
员工权益维护人士说这样的惩戒与“法律歧视”没什么区别。卢•莫尔特比(Lew Maltby)是总部位于新泽西州普林斯顿(Princeton)的非盈利在职职工维权组织美国工作权利学会(National Workrights Institute)的主席,他说,虽然企业称之为健康激励机制,但是这些措施实质上是在以不同的名义减薪。他说:“对于坏事情没有人会实话实说。它意味着数以百万计的人在毫无合法理由的情况下被减了薪。”
Companies may say they have tried softer approaches, but many haven't exhausted their options, like putting healthier food in their cafeterias, building a fitness center or subsidizing gym memberships, he adds. 'At best, these programs are giving employers an enormous amount of control over our private lives.'
Michelin denies any discrimination and says the policy is voluntary. Not participating means employees won't get the incentives. Wayne Culbertson, Michelin's chief human resources officer, says the old incentive programs didn't lead to meaningful change. For example, an employee could pledge to start walking daily, he says, but never have to prove it. 'It was sort of free, you know? You got $600 just for being a good employee.'
米其林否认有任何歧视,声称这项政策是自愿的。不参加的员工就不会得到奖励。米其林的首席人力资源长韦恩•卡伯特森(Wayne Culbertson)说,旧的奖励机制并没有带来实际意义的变化。比如,一名职员可以承诺开始每天散步,但从来不用证明自己真的这么做了。“这有点像免费大餐,你知道吗?你当好一名员工就可以得到600美元。”
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