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职场生活: 你胖没关系, 有老板为你买单


Six in 10 employers say they plan to impose penalties in the next few years on employees who don't take action to improve their health, according to a recent study of 800 mid- to large-size firms by human-resources consultancy Aon Hewitt. A separate study by the National Business Group on Health and Towers Watson found that the share of employers who plan to impose penalties is likely to double to 36% in 2014.

根据人力资源咨询公司怡安翰威特(Aon Hewitt)最近对800家大中型企业的研究,六成企业的老板说他们计划在今后几年里对不采取行动改善自身健康状况的员工实施惩戒。由美国企业员工健康组织(National Business Group on Health)和韬睿惠悦公司开展的另一项研究发现,到2014年,计划实施惩戒措施的雇主比例很可能会翻番,达到36%。

Current law permits companies to use health-related rewards or penalties as long as the amount doesn't exceed 20% of the cost of the employee's health coverage. John Hancock, a veteran labor and employment attorney at Butzel Long, a Detroit-based law firm, says that while companies can't legally dock a worker's pay for a health issue, they can tie an employee's health-care bill to whether the worker meets or misses health goals. As long as employers offer exemptions for workers with conditions that prevent them from meeting health goals, the firms are in the clear.

当前的法律允许企业实施与健康相关的奖励或处罚手段,只要数额不超过员工医疗保险费的20%。约翰•汉考克(John Hancock)是总部位于底特律的柏隆律师事务所(Butzel Long)一位劳动用工方面的资深律师,他说虽然企业不能因为健康问题合法降低员工的工资,但它们可以把员工的医疗保健账单与员工是否达到健康目标挂钩。只要企业为那些身体状况致其无法达到健康目标的员工提供了免费额度,从法律角度来说就没有任何问题。

The situation is less clear if, for example, a company ends up singling out obese employees by charging them more for health coverage. If the obesity is linked to an underlying condition, the employer may be liable for discrimination, Mr. Hancock says.
