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职场生活: 你胖没关系, 有老板为你买单


Currently, most companies tie between 5% and 10% of employee premium costs to incentives, but that will likely go up, says Charlie Smith, chief medical officer for national accounts at insurer Cigna Corp.

信诺保险集团(Cigna Corp)负责国民账户的首席医疗长查理•史密斯(Charlie Smith)说,目前,大多数公司将员工保险费用的5%至10%与奖励机制挂钩,但是这个比例很可能要提高。

Pharmacy chain CVS Caremark sparked outrage among employees and workers-rights advocates last month by asking staff members to report personal health metrics, including their body fat, blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, to the company's insurer by May or pay a $600 penalty.

上个月,药品连锁企业CVS Caremark要求员工5月之前向公司的保险承保人报告包括自己的脂肪比率、血糖、血压和胆固醇值在内的个人健康指标,否则将面临600美元的罚金,此事在员工和员工权益维护人士中引起众怒。

Few workers can afford to refuse, but some aren't happy. 'It opens a Pandora's box, ' says a full-time CVS employee who works at a distribution center in Florida. 'It's none of their business.' While the 26-year-old describes himself as healthy, he says he is worried about disclosing health information that could be shared without his knowledge. He says he plans to cancel his health plan, which also covers his wife and child, and will start looking for work elsewhere.


CVS, which maintains that the change is intended to make workers aware of their health risks, says it doesn't have access to workers' screening results.
