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5. Train Hard & Train Early

The easiest way to feel tired at night is to physically exhaust your body, hence training hard. A 45-90 minute workout consisting of resistance and cardio should be enough to exhaust your system.

Training at night has its drawbacks, elevating your heart rate prior to sleeping can cause restlessness in most people. It's common to feel too awake and alert after a good workout, so it would not be wise to workout at night if you already have trouble sleeping. Avoid training 4 hours prior to sleeping.

6. Eat Light At Night

It's common tradition to have the biggest meal of the day at night in the form of dinner. But for athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts it should be the complete opposite. The first meal and the post-workout meal should be the largest, with dinner being the smallest. As the day progresses you should taper down carbohydrates and increase protein.

Eating late at night is a surefire way to cause insomnia. Consuming a large meal prior to sleeping may cause indigestion and stomach aches during sleep. If your feeling hungry late at night have a casein protein shake or a bowl of cottage cheese.

7. Don't Drink Too Much Water/Fluids

Drinking too much water/fluids late at night negatively impacts sleep quality. Excess fluids at night can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, disturbing your sleep cycle. Taper down your fluids as the day progresses.

8. Avoid Alcohol

Even though alcohol is very effective at making you feel drowsy and tired, it's horrible for sleep quality. Alcohol is a natural diuretic, which means it causes your body to excrete excess water, so you may find yourself waking up multiple times during the night to go to the bathroom.

Alcohol induced sleep is not a restful sleep by any means, alcohol disrupts your body's natural sleep cycles, leading to an unrefreshed feeling upon waking.