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9. Go To Sleep When You Are Really Tired

We have all had days where we tried to go to sleep early thinking we will get a nice 9 or 10 hours sleep. 4 hours of tossing and turning later, combined with constant staring at the clock we realize it's not going to happen. Go to sleep only when you start to feel sleepy instead of wasting your time staring at the clock.
我们都有过这样的经历,当我们试图早点睡觉时,想着我们能睡个9或10个小时的好觉。在辗转反侧4个小时之后,还盯着时钟 看,我们这才意识到肯定是睡不着了。只有当你开始昏昏欲睡时再上床睡觉,而不是浪费你的时间盯着时钟看。

10. Don't Stare At The Clock

Being a clock-watcher can actually increase stress and make it harder to fall asleep. Make sure the clock is not visible while your sleeping, if it's a digital one, cover it with a cloth or towel.

11. Have A Consistent Sleep Routine

Studies show that people who sleep and wake up at the same time everyday are more rested than those who have erratic irregular sleep patterns. Set your alarm to the same time everyday including weekends.

Studies also show that binge sleeping on the weekend to make up for lost sleep is counterproductive, you should aim to get the same amount of sleep everyday, whether that's 8 or 6 hours.

12. Limit Napping

Napping during the day might seem like the right thing to do when you feel tired, but if you plan on sleeping well at night think again. Napping during the day will interfere with your natural sleep patterns, if you do choose to nap, limit it to 30 minutes per day.