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Earlier this week, one of the biggest events on the fashion calendar took place. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute ball celebrated the opening of the exhibit 'PUNK: Chaos to Couture.' The annual gala has long been considered the sartorial event of the year, and the choice of punk as this year's theme feels particularly poignant. With its shredded T-shirts, creative facial piercings and mohawks, the riotous aesthetic, which peaked in the late '70s and early '80s, couldn't be further from the clean and sober silhouettes surrounding us now, but the motivations behind the two share some DNA.
前不久,时尚界最重大的盛会之一──纽约大都会艺术博物馆时装学院(Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute)慈善舞会启动,拉开了“朋克:从混沌到时装”(PUNK: Chaos to Couture)时装展的序幕。这个一年一度的庆典长期以来就被视为当年的时装盛会,选择朋克风作为本年度的主题让人觉得特别贴切。碎布条般的T恤、别具新意的面部穿孔和莫霍克式发型,这些都是在上世纪70年代末和80年代初达到巅峰的朋克风的标志,这种桀骜不驯的审美观与当今我们周围那些整洁庄重的风格相差十万八千里,但二者背后的动机有着相同之处。