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Is conservative the new radical? The fashion world certainly seems to think so. This season, designers filled their runways with restrained silhouettes that echo the graceful, showing-less-is-more aesthetic of generations past.

Designers are reimagining soignée staples for spring and summer─skirt suits, twin sets, below-the-knee dresses, kitten heels and frame bags─that appear anything but moth-eaten. In fact, fashion's neoconservative coup d'état feels deliciously defiant, given the excessively revealing styles pop culture celebrates. A quick flip through any supermarket tabloid yields an onslaught of oversexed stars and their indelicate fashion choices, which prompted a strict dress code for this year's Grammy Awards. When you factor in over-the-top street style and the all-round oversharing that has become pervasive, the reeled-in restraint of a bygone era looks more and more like a cool, quiet revolution.

This dignified uprising can be spotted on many of today's most influential style setters─British fashion icon Alexa Chung, Russian supermodel Natalia Vodianova and Moda Operandi co-founder Lauren Santo Domingo, to name a few.
这一庄严的“时尚起义”的影响可在当今最具影响力的许多时尚引领者的身上看到,比如英国时尚偶像艾里珊??钟(Alexa Chung)、俄罗斯超模娜塔莉亚??沃迪亚诺娃(Natalia Vodianova)以及时装品牌Moda Operandi的联合创始人劳伦??桑托??多明戈(Lauren Santo Domingo)等。

'A young girl now doesn't want to dress like her mother; she finds her grandmother much cooler, ' said Nina Ricci creative director Peter Copping, who designed skirt suits inspired by his own nana. 'She wore little smart, tweedy suits. I always had a romantic notion of that.' But the designer, who modernized his separates by cutting them in a light-as-air bouclé woven onto organza, also drew inspiration from a much younger source. 'Someone told me a story about the [22-year-old] model Eliza Cummings and how when she got her first big money job she went straight out and bought a Chanel suit, ' said Mr. Copping. 'I thought, 'Wow, that's really clued up!' '
莲娜丽姿(Nina Ricci)的创意总监彼得??科平(Peter Copping)说,现在的年轻女孩不喜欢打扮得和自己的母亲一样,她们反而发现祖母的着装更加有型。科平就从他自己的祖母那儿吸取灵感设计了裙装,他说:“她穿着时髦的粗呢小套装,我一直觉得它很浪漫。”他通过采用织在欧根纱上的极其轻盈的圈圈纱面料来裁剪服装,从而赋予它们现代气息,他也从更年轻的一代人中汲取灵感。他说:“有人给我讲过一个(22岁的)模特伊莉萨??卡敏斯(Eliza Cummings)的故事,讲她如何在得到第一份高薪工作时立即就去买了一套香奈儿(Chanel)的套装,我心想‘哇,那确实是在行!’”