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2013-08-20来源:Business Insider
3. Learn names

Carnegie says that "names are like company logos," and in today's digital world, people's names may be more important than ever (think social media!).

"The hundreds of millions of bloggers, tweeters, and Facebookers surely want their voices heard, but they also want their names known."

Use their names and they are far more likely to remember you.

4. Listen longer

Really listening to someone means hearing they say, what they don't say, and what they really mean. To do this, you have to stop interrupting, listen for feelings, repeat what you heard back to the person, acknowledge what the person said, and look for nonverbal clues.

"When you listen well you not only make an instant impression, you also build a solid bridge for lasting connections," Carnegie writes. "Who can resist being around a person who suspends his thoughts in order to value yours?"

5. Discuss what matters to them

To influence other people, you need to understand what matters to them.

Carnegie says that "once you know what matters to others through a practice of longer listening, you can then truly engage them by putting such manners at the forefront of your interactions. If you're talking business, this process is about putting the customer back into customer relationship management."