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We know you're stressed. If it's any comfort, our friends around the world are juggling a lot now, too. "What constitutes stress is not having the time or help to meet demands in your life, whether you're in Texas or Taiwan," says Alice Domar, PhD, executive director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health in Boston.
我们知道你压力很大。其实我们在世界各地的朋友们也是一样,不知道这算不算安慰。“没有足够的时间或帮助来满足你生活中的需求,这就构成了压力,不论你身在德克萨斯还是台湾,” 美国波士顿的身心健康多玛中心的执行主任Alice Domar博士说。

You knew that, but you might not be aware of stress relief tactics—centuries-old practices, in some cases—that women in foreign locales rely on. And not one involves lavender candles.



"When I come home from a stressful day, I relax with a petit aperitif—the French ceremony of having a small glass of wine with a side of cashew nuts or pita chips with hummus and olives. Then I'm ready to cook dinner!" —Ingrid Jackel, CEO of Physicians Formula; Toulouse
“当我结束紧张的一天回到家,我会用一小杯开胃酒让自己放松。法式仪式是一小杯红酒配上一点腰果或皮塔饼,再加点鹰嘴豆沙和橄榄。然后我就可以准备做晚餐啦!”——Ingrid Jacke, 法国图卢兹,美容品牌Physicians Formula公司CEO。

What you can do: "Wine is a relaxant, that's true, but more important is having a ritual to separate the chaos of work from the comfort of home," Domar says. Any ritual you look forward to will do the trick, whether you wash up and change into sweats or zone out with a game of Words with Friends.
你可以做的是:“红酒可以帮你放松,这没错,但更重要的是要有一个例行仪式,把工作的混乱和家庭的舒适分隔开,”Domar 说。任何你期望的仪式都有这种作用,不论是洗个澡换上卫衣还是玩一会儿填字游戏。


"Russians go to the banya, a hot sauna, and since moving here I do that, too. The daily stress level is high and work is constant. Just sitting in the extreme heat to sweat is a miracle invention to salve the soul." —Amanda Lynn Hinson, 35, writer; Khabarovsk
“俄罗斯人会去蒸桑拿,自从搬来这里我也这样做。每天压力都很大,总有做不完的工作。坐在高温里流汗是一种让灵魂放松的神奇发明。”——Amanda Lynn Hinson, 35岁,哈巴罗夫斯克,作家。

What you can do: Hit the shower—and make it a warm one. Just a few minutes can wash away tension, and it's not just the feel of pulsating water on your skin: Research from Yale University indicates that the enveloping warmth you get from a hot shower can trigger brain and body responses that mirror emotional warmth, boosting your mood. Just get out after 10 minutes to avoid drying skin.


"In Sweden we enjoy fika, taking a coffee break with friends. It's been a part of our culture since the 1700s. In many companies, people take fika breaks around 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; they head to a café for lattes, tea, or smoothies with a cinnamon roll, muffin, or macaron. Fika has something very friendly and peaceful about it." —Sarah Melin, 42, manager at a TV production company; Stockholm
“在瑞典我们喜欢和朋友一起和杯咖啡休息一下。这从18世纪开始就是我们文化的一部分。在许多公司,人们在上午10点和下午3点左右会喝咖啡休息。他们去咖啡店喝拿铁、茶,或者冰沙,配上肉桂卷、小松饼或马卡龙,这种放松方式气氛友好而且平静。”——Sarah Melin, 42岁,斯德哥尔摩,在一家电视制作公司任经理。

What you can do: Program a break reminder into your smartphone, heed the beeps, and grab a friend for coffee in the office kitchen. Don't feel guilty for slacking off; in a Massachusetts Institute of Technology study, people who got up to socialize during the work day ended up being 10 to 15 percent more productive than those who didn't.


"Massage is a science here. It's often vigorous, with knees and elbows applying pressure, and much stress reduction." —Pam Sangsingkeo, 39, university lecturer; Bangkok
“在这里按摩是一门科学。 按摩通常都很有力,用膝盖和手肘施压,可以消除许多压力。”——Pam Sangsingkeo,39岁,曼谷,大学讲师

What you can do: Knead the nape of your neck and the surrounding area. "Stimulating pressure receptors releases serotonin, a natural antidepressant," says Tiffany Field, PhD, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami. Better yet: Get your partner to do it.
你可以做的是:按揉后颈部和周围区域。“在按压的刺激下会释放血管收缩素,这是一种天然的抗抑郁剂,” 迈阿密大学的触觉研究所主任Tiffany Field 博士说。当然,如果让你的另一半来做就更好了。