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"People drink maté, a hot herbal drink, passing it around a circle of friends like a peace pipe. It makes me feel connected and strong, able to face down any stress." —Desirée Jaimovich, 35, journalist; Buenos Aires
“人们喝巴拉圭茶,这是一种草本热饮。把它在一圈朋友当中传递,就好像北美印第安人的和睦烟斗一样。这让我感到坚强而且和外界有联系,让我可以面对一切压力。”——Desirée Jaimovich,35岁,布宜诺斯艾利斯,记者。

What you can do: Forget social media; try social eating. Sharing food releases a surge of calming oxytocin, Belgian research shows. Notes anthropologist Michael Gurven, PhD, of the University of California–Santa Barbara: "Bonding over communal eats says, 'You're a valued part of my network.'" Skip the communal tea during flu season; think a pot of melted chocolate for S'mores.
你可以做的是:忘记社交媒体,尝试社交进餐。比利时的一项研究表明,分享食物会释放出大量镇静作用的脑下垂体后叶荷尔蒙。圣巴巴拉的加州大学人类学家Michael Gurven博士说:“和他人在一起吃饭意思是说 ‘你是我人际网络中很重要的一部分。’” 在流感季节可以把一起喝茶换成蘸着一壶融化的巧克力,吃巧克力棉花糖夹心饼干。


"In the cold-weather months, it's not just a matter of bundling up our kids to get outside for fresh air—you always find adults taking winter walks. It revives my brain and energizes me." —Phoebe Holmes, 40, blogger; Dublin
“在天冷的月份里,不仅要让孩子们穿暖和出去呼吸新鲜空气,你还总能看到成年人在冬季散步。这让我的大脑清醒,让我充满能量。”——Phoebe Holmes,40岁,都柏林,博客作家。

What you can do: Head outside for a brisk stroll. In a 2012 University of Maryland School of Public Health study, people who rode a stationary bike for 30 minutes and then saw disturbing photographs (including images of violence) were less anxious than people who sat quietly before viewing the photos.

Exercise not only reduces anxiety, but helps you maintain that feeling when confronted with distressing events. During the colder months, with less mood-boosting natural light around, it's especially helpful to get outside.


"Women do a foot soak called zu yu before bed. I put hot water in a big pot and sit on my sofa as I read a book or surf my Weibo, Chinese Twitter. Sometimes I lean back and fall asleep, it's so relaxing." —Frances Wu, 37, office clerk; Shanghai
“女人们在睡前泡脚,这叫做足浴。我把热水倒进一个大盆里,然后坐在沙发上看书或者刷微博。有时候我向后一倒睡着了,这种方法特别放松。”Frances Wu, 37岁,上海,办公室职员。

What you can do: Soothe your feet with this remedy of Red Door Spa: Dunk feet up to the ankles in hot water in a plastic bin or the tub, adding a handful of Epsom salts and 2 spoonfuls of baking soda. "After 15 minutes, swelling goes down and circulation improves. It's amazingly relaxing.
你可以做的是:用Red Door Spa 提供的这个疗法来放松你的双脚:往塑料盆或桶中放入热水,把脚踝以下都浸泡其中,加入少量硫酸镁和两勺烘焙苏打。“15分钟之后足部肿胀消除,血液循环加强,让人非常放松。


"Every morning, I do a laughter exercise—I smile, wave my hands, and jump. The more I do it, the more vital I feel." —Rashmi Vyas Aparajit, 45, health program director; Mumbai
“每天早晨我都做一种笑容练习——我微笑,挥手,跳跃。我做得越多,感觉自己越有活力。”——Rashmi Vyas Aparajit, 45岁,孟买,健康项目策划人。

What you can do: Yuk it up! The contracting stomach muscles trigger a surge of feel-good endorphins, according to a study from Oxford University. Even a couple of minutes of belly laughter can be calming—a good reminder to tape your favorite late-night show and actually watch it.


"It gets dark at 3:30 p.m. in the winter here, so Danes have gotten good at creating hygge, or 'cozy.' We come and go casually to each others' houses on evenings and weekends. It's about being happy at home with no one rushing to go anywhere." —Mette Borring, 48, finance executive; Copenhagen
“这里的冬天下午3点半就天黑了,所以丹麦人很擅长创造舒适的环境。我们在晚上和周末会去别人家里随意走动。大家很开心地待在家里,没有人会急着出门。”——Mette Borring,48岁,哥本哈根,财务主管。

What you can do: It's very simple, but key: Invite friends over and don't fuss too much. "If we worry about inviting people to the perfect party, the task seems overwhelming. So I lower the bar to a manageable level. I had a holiday party that was dessert and drinks—so much easier than serving dinner, and very festive!"