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男子街头挂牌征婚12年 仅限富婆


Lonely bachelors looking for love often turn to dating websites in the search for a partner. But Robert Darling has taken things that little bit further - by wandering the streets of New York for twelve years with a sandwich board asking rich women to marry him.

The unemployed 58-year-old - who admits he is a 'great conversationalist' - says he wants a wealthy lady to take care of him. Mr Darling said: 'I've never had any luck with the ladies and while this is going to extremes I'm confident I can find love this way.'

男子街头挂牌征婚12年 仅限富婆

'I get a good reaction from most people, they think it's funny but I am really serious. I'm looking for companionship, conversation, to go to museums and concerts - but I just don't have the resources to pay for that. So I need a wealthy lady to take care of me - I think I deserve it.'

Mr Darling said he has never had a serious relationship and his dating history is sparse. 'As far as a serious relationship, I've never had one,' he said. 'I've never been engaged, never proposed to anybody.'

He takes his sign to upmarket areas of the city such as Wall Street, Columbus Circle and Times Square. 'There's a lot of money on Wall Street, maybe I'll meet a female Chief Executive Officer who will decide to become my wife,' he said.

He often gets phone calls in response to his sign, but none are serious inquiries. 'A woman called me once and I thought it looked promising - but she actually wanted to hook me up with her friend who needed a green card to stay in the country.'