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男子街头挂牌征婚12年 仅限富婆

And his unique approach gets mixed responses from people he meets. Onlooker Joyce Brill, a tourist from Virginia, said: 'I would not call Robert, I would not go on a date with him - absolutely not.

'He's been doing this for so long and he and his sandwich board are kind of scruffy.' However, LaSonda Stephenson from New Jersey was kinder with her verdict.

She said: 'I think it's pretty courageous - it's not something I would do, but I applaud him for not being shy about it. Everyone deserves a fair shot at love.'

But despite the wait, Mr Darling remains undeterred in his pursuit for true love. He said: 'There's an incredible amount I have to offer - I'm intelligent, almost brilliant.

'I've heard I'm handsome once or twice, and I'm a great conversationalist. To Ms Right out there I would say, "Call my number or email me".’

'We could talk and see if we're made for each other. It would be a great pleasure to see you if you're in New York City. Hopefully it will be a happy marriage. And he has no plans to hang up his sign any time soon.'

He said: 'Give up? Never! I'm just warming up. It's just a matter of time. I'm very patient and I know great success is just around the corner.'