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Boys are 14% more likely to be born premature than girls, and even at the same gestational age boys have a higher risk of death and complications because girls develop faster in the womb, new global research shows.

'The findings from six studies published Thursday in the journal Pediatric Research quantify for the first time what neonatologists have long observed.
'《儿科研究》(Pediatric Research)杂志近日发表的六项研究的结果首次将新生儿学家长期观察到的现象进行量化。

''Throughout development, girls are a little bit ahead of boys. Girls walk before boys, they talk before boys and it's also true in utero,' said Joy Lawn, a neonatologist at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and team leader of the studies.
'伦敦卫生与热带医药学院(London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)的新生儿学家、上述研究的团队领导者劳恩(Joy Lawn)说,在这个发育期,女孩都领先男孩一点,女孩比男孩更早会走路,比男孩更早会说话,而在母亲的子宫内情况也是如此。

'And for babies born before 37 weeks, which researchers call preterm, 'being even a little bit more mature brings an advantage,' Dr. Lawn said.

'The research, funded through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, involved 50 researchers in 35 institutions. It found that despite progress in many countries, about 15 million babies are born preterm world-wide each year, out of around 135 million total births.
'来自35家研究机构的50名研究人员参与了这项由比尔及梅林达・盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)提供资金的研究。研究发现,尽管很多国家都有进步,全球每年出生的1.35亿名婴儿中,仍有1,500万名婴儿早产。

'More than one million babies die due to prematurity, and an estimated three-quarters of those babies could have been saved with even modest interventions such as antibiotics. Babies born before 37 weeks are 10 times as likely to die in low-income countries than in high-income countries, the research found.

'Disabilities related to prematurity, including blindness, cerebral palsy and brain damage linked to breathing problems, are responsible for nearly 10% of the global burden of disease all around the world, the studies found.
'上述研究发现,与早产相关的残障,包括失明、脑性麻 以及呼吸问题相关的脑损伤,几乎占全球疾病总量的10%。

'For boy babies, addressing the higher risks they face is difficult because scientists are still trying to understand what makes them more vulnerable.

''Boys face a triple whammy,' said Dr. Lawn. 'They are more likely to be born preterm, and if they are, they have a greater risk of death, disability or blindness. And even when they are full term, they have a higher risk of birth complications such as jaundice and infection.'

'Separate new research from Scandinavia suggests that women carrying boys have a higher rate of problems in the placenta -- the sacks that surrounds and nourishes fetuses, Dr. Lawn said.

'One theory is that some mothers mount an autoimmune response to male tissue, which creates inflammation in the placenta and compromises its ability to deliver oxygen and nutrition to the fetus, according to Marianne Legato, founder of the Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine in New York, who wasn't involved in the new research.
'纽约“性别特异性医学基金会”(Foundation for Gender-Specific Medicine)的创始人莱加托(Marianne Legato)说,一种理论认为,一些母亲会针对男性组织启动自动免疫反应,这会刺激胎盘发炎,损害其向胎儿输送氧气和营养的能力。莱加托没有参与这项新研究。