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'Male hormones known as androgens may also delay lung maturation. Two-thirds of fetuses with immature lung development are male, writes Dr. Legato in her 2008 book, 'Why Men Die First.'
'莱加托在她2008年出版的书《男人为什么先死》(Why Men Die First)中写道,雄激素也可能延缓肺的成熟过程。肺发育不成熟的胎儿有三分之二是男性。

'Nearly twice as many boy babies are conceived as girls, but they are much more likely to miscarry, and by birth, the ratio is roughly 105 boys to 100 girls.
'在受孕阶段,男婴的数量差不多是女婴的两倍,但男婴的流产率要高得多,而到生产的时候,男女婴的比例大致是105 :100。

' Most boys do catch up, and in some societies girls are more likely to die after the first few months of life because they get less attention and medical care, the study authors note.

'That men eventually grow bigger and stronger than women 'is probably evolutionary,' adds Dr. Legato. 'The genes that create higher height and stronger muscle are favored in terms of survival.'

'The release of the new research, timed to coincide with World Prematurity Day on Sunday, is part of an effort by more than 50 organizations to combat premature birth.
'这份新研究的发布时机正好赶在11月17日的世界早产日(World Prematurity Day)之前,是逾50个组织为了对抗早产儿进行的努力的一部分。

'In the meantime, says Edward McCabe, chief medical officer of the March of Dimes, 'the key thing is to provide the best possible care-for boys and girls.'
'慈善组织March of Dimes的首席医疗长麦凯布(Edward McCabe)说,与此同时,最关键的是尽可能提供最好的照料,不管是男孩还是女孩。