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5. Make sure it invites conversation.
5. 确保有后续进展

After telling your story, the listener needs to be left wanting more. Is your story compelling enough to do this? If not, you need to change your pitch.

6. Time yourself.
6. 控制时间

While practicing your pitch, you should time yourself to make sure you can tell your story in 30 seconds. If you can't, cut down details and try again.

7. Record yourself on video.
7. 自己录视频

You need to know what you look like to others while you're telling your story. Are you interesting? Are you believable? People will come to their own conclusions while listening to you so make sure you give off a good impression. Relax, act natural, and get comfortable with your story.

8. Pitch it to your friends and colleagues.
8. 在朋友和同事前练习

After you've got your story down, practice your elevator pitch with friends and colleagues. Ask them to give you feedback. Ask them what you should do to make it better. Keep practicing until it's natural for you to say aloud and convincing to the listener.