In some ways, the hallmarks of the holiday season can do a more than just spread cheer at your company. Some of the season's core attributes can also help boost engagement and creativity, and lower stress as well.
In an article, Harvard Business Review editor Andrew O'Connell compiles some of those curious stats, which show how creativity can be enhanced by sensory effects. And wouldn't you know it, they all reflect a little bit of holiday spirit.
1. The smell of peppermint
Peppermint has been shown to improve engagement, as shown by a study of peoples' performances on the Nintendo Wii. This wasn't the first look into the effects of the scent of peppermint; O'Connell writes, "Other studies have suggested that peppermint enhances attention, memory, alertness, and mood." Go buy some candy cane air fresheners tonight.
2. The color green
The wreaths and holly and, hey, maybe even an office Christmas tree — anything green, really, is good to look at. "Why not red, blue, or gray?" O'Connell writes. "Unclear, say the researchers, but they point out that green has strong associations with growth in many cultures."
3. A big smile
Hey, it's the holidays. Brighten up! A study tracing heart rates shows that people who were forced to smile (quite literally, with chopsticks placed in their mouths) saw their heart rates drop by about 7% during a task. The holidays get a lot of flack for being a stressful time of year in general, but embracing the season and smiling a bit might at least counteract the pressure.
嘿,快要放假了,所以振奋起来吧!一项研究通过追踪人们的心跳发现那些被迫去笑(字面意思就是把筷子放在嘴里强迫别人去笑)的人在做任务时心跳平均会降低7%。 总的来说,假期的来临确实会增加工作压力,也会让人感到疲惫;但是放松心态拥抱假期以及一个大大的笑容至少可以冲抵一些压力。
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