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Still scratching your head to figure out a way to say "I love you" on Valentine's Day? Let your gifts talk. And if you want to make this day a special one, ditch the old fashion way of sending flowers or chocolates or cards and think outside of the box. Try at least one of our collections of Valentine gifts. It may add an extra touch of magic to your romantic relationship.



 1. A curved smartphone.

Leading the trend now are Samsung Galaxy Round and LG G Flex, both running on Android.


如今引领时尚潮流的两款曲面智能手机是三星Galaxy Round和LG的G Flex,他们均采用安卓系统。

Journalists try out the LG G Flex Android Smartphone at the LG press conference during the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, on Jan 6, 2014. The trade fair took place from Jan 7-10, 2014.

2014年1月6日,国际消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)在美国拉斯维加斯拉开帷幕,期间在韩国LG公司召开的新闻发布会上,记者尝试了其G Flex 安卓系统智能手机。此次展销会从2014年1月7日持续至10日。

 2. An e-hongbao via Wechat.

You can send an e-hongbao (cash-stuffed red envelop) via Wechat with a certain yet special amount of money to your sweetheart, such as 52013.14 yuan (I'll keep loving you for a life time), 33445.20 yuan (I'll love you until the end of the world), 2018.40 yuan (Love you in all my life), 520 yuan (I love you), etc.



WeChat owner Tencent said data showed that in the 40 hours before 4pm on January 31 — Chinese New Year's Day — more than 5 million WeChat users received money from more than 20 million virtual red envelopes. [Photo/dfic.cn]


 3. A golden rose.

Roses made of pure gold have become popular among customers despite their high price.



A salesgirl shows a gold rose at a gold shop in Lianyungang city, East China's Jiangsu province, Feb 9, 2014.


 4. A stylish digital camera.

A Wi-Fi 'lens camera' that mounts directly on your smartphone allows for a more compact body, improved power efficiency and a lower price tag.



A Sony lens-style digital camera is displayed during the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan 7, 2014. [Photo/Agencies]


 5. An Apple 6 (or Apple Air).

If your sweetheart is an Apple fan, then this would be a superb choice, except you will have to wait for it to enter the market. But why not add this to your gift list and give him or her a surprise?

5.Apple 6手机(或Apple Air笔记本电脑)
