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6. You relish being surrounded by other hardworking people

Good doers like to work with other good doers, especially if they share the same goals. They know that working together is the best opportunity to compete and cooperate without anyone feeling like they lost. They find, or better yet, create an encouraging community of people who share the same goals as they do, such as GoalChiever.

7. You volunteer

Good doers are “natural’ volunteers. They like to participate in activities that require actual work, even without pay. And while volunteering is great, good doers make sure that they leave enough time for themselves. They schedule their volunteer work appropriately so they don’t tire themselves out.

8. Your personality leans toward extroversion

Most good doers are extroverts, especially when the work involved requires the constant company of many people. They have an almost perpetual reserve of energy that ignites enthusiasm in others.

But this doesn’t mean introverts aren’t doers. Actually, introverts reign supreme when it comes to doing solitary work (and play). This means employers shouldn’t be so quick to judge quiet employees!

9. You teach through action

Good doers prefer to teach by, yes, doing. They demonstrate rather than explain and often encourage their students or mentees to learn by working.

As this isn’t always a good thing, good doers make sure to encourage whoever they’re teaching to ask questions. They take the time to answer them and give feedback as well.

10. You value the importance of celebrating accomplishments

Good doers know when to stop working. They create regular opportunities to celebrate their achievements and progress and allow themselves the time to rest and recharge their bodies.

Doers tend to want to move on to the next challenge right after they finish their last one. But good doers make sure to acknowledge their successes by making celebration part of the plan from the very beginning.

While doers aren’t perfect, there’s no denying they posses some great qualities that we could use more of. So if you show the signs of a doer, learn and appreciate your strengths and work on your weaknesses. The world needs you to use your unique qualities.