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Journal regularly

This is one of the easiest ways to get those feelings and thoughts out of you and onto paper. Writing in a journal on a regular basis can keep you on track with your goals and release tension.

Find a morning or evening routine and stick to it

Choose 20 to 30 minutes, either in the morning or at night, where you can create a little routine you can stick to. Meditate, write in your journal, read something inspiring, or use this time to focus on your passions.

Strive to learn something new every day

If you are a writer, learn a new word and find a way to use it. If you read, look up some info about an author you admire. Research some news about another country. Learning helps you stay open minded and connected to the world around you.

Let go of comparison

It doesn’t matter if the person beside you in yoga class can contort their body in ways you can’t. If you stop comparing yourself to others, you’re more apt to be happy with who you are. Rather than compare your progress or success to those around you, seek to improve on your own accomplishments.

Save some money, even if it’s just a little

Just five dollars a week will add up before you know it. Saving money constitutes discipline, which is necessary in all areas of life. Take out cash to spend for the week so you don’t have to touch your bank account. If you give yourself an ‘allowance,’ you’ll become more responsible with your income.

Strive to be on time

Arriving at your destination on time (or even better — early) shows that you care about other people’s time. This doesn’t just apply to work either. Show up on time for family events and outings with your friends.