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Trying to cut costs in your daily budget is a valiant — and often necessary — practice. A few dollars saved here and there can amount to a sizeable sum over time, after all. But how you save can make a big difference in how much you save. Because when it comes down to it, not all “money-saving” tactics actually save you money.


Here are 11 common penny-pinching tactics that could actually cost you more in the long term — and smart money-saving moves you can make instead.



Buying Something Just Because It's on Sale


"Sale is the most dangerous four-letter word," says personal finance blogger Zina Kumok. And with the rise of flash sales and coupon sites like RueLaLa and Groupon, the temptation to impulse-buy just to get a good deal is even higher, adds Ozeme J. Bonnette, author of “Get What Belongs to You: A Christian Guide to Managing Your Finances.” "So often, we find a deal that is too good to pass up, yet we wouldn't have even bought the item or service if it had not been mentioned to us," she explains. (Guilty.)

个人理财博客写手齐娜·库莫克(Zina Kumok)说:“特价(sale)是最危险的四字单词。”《该是你的就是你的:一位基督徒的理财指南》(Get What Belongs to You: A Christian Guide to Managing Your Finances)作者奥采姆·邦尼特(Ozeme J. Bonnette)指出,随着闪购和RueLaLa、Groupon等团购网站的兴起,仅以划算为目的的冲动性购物产生了越来越大的诱惑。她解释道:“我们经常发现某笔买卖太划算了,觉得不能错过,但如果没有人跟我们说起,我们根本就不会购买这件商品或服务。”(内疚中……)