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Driving Out of the Way Just to Use a Coupon


Of all the money-saving tricks that end up being pitfalls for a lot of people, the main ones are usually when people perceive they'll get savings right away, says Erin Konrad, Content Developer at CouponPal, rather than thinking about the long-term savings. "For example, some people will drive out of their way if they have a coupon or hear about a discount at a store," she says. "They don't think about the gas money they waste by driving farther or to a bunch of different shops."

CouponPal的内容开发员艾琳·康拉德(Erin Konrad)说,在很多人都发现最后变成了陷阱的那些省钱技巧当中,主要的那些技巧常常都是让人觉得马上就可以省钱,而不是让人思考长远来看省不省钱。她说:“比如如果有一张优惠券或听说某家店打折,有些人会开很远的车过去。他们也不想一下开更远的车或开往一些不同商店所浪费的油钱。”