3. Watch and Establish Credit.
3. 留心信用情况并建立信用
Get an individual credit card if you don't have one already, and consider freezing joint credit cards.
Obtain a credit report for yourself, says Anthony Ogorek, a financial planner in Williamsville, N.Y. A credit report will detail balances outstanding as well as open and closed lines of credit.
纽约州威廉斯维尔(Williamsville)的理财规划师Anthony Ogorek建议,为你自己准备一份信用报告。信用报告将列出你未清账款的细节情况以及开放式、封闭式信用额度。
'This can be critical in the event a spouse tries to retaliate by running up credit balances,' he says.
It can also determine if your spouse has opened accounts you are unaware of, says Bonnie Sewell, a financial planner in Leesburg, Va. You can obtain a copy of your report free at AnnualCreditReport.com.
弗吉尼亚州利斯堡(Leesburg)理财规划师Bonnie Sewell称,如果你的配偶开设了你不知道的账户,那你可以在AnnualCreditReport.com这个网站免费获得信用报告的副本。
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