
雅思IELTS 9分听力05

5. Listening 2.2. You will hear a lecturer giving students details of the next assignment. Before you listen you have some time to look at questions 5 to 8. Now as you listen answer questions 5 to 8.
Good afternoon everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to begin another week of classes. Before we start today’s lecture I’d like to talk to you about you second assignment because as you know if you’ve read the course outline it’s worth 60 percent of your grade. Yes, 60 percent. So it’s obviously quite important and you should start thinking about it now. This assignment is different from your first one. For this one you will be writing a comparative essay rather than arguing a point. Now I know that on the course outline it says that both the first and second assignments are 2500 words long. That was due for the first assignment. But this one should be about 1500 words longer. So that you are really able to do a proper comparison. As far as the due date goes the deadline is in 6 weeks at the end of May. I know that it seems like you have plenty of time, but remember this is not the only assignment due at the end of semester, if you are a full time student, and you have exams coming up in June. Throughout the semester we’ve discussed several ancient civilizations and different aspects of those civilizations. But the theme of your second assignment is ruin in ancient Rome and Greece. There are several areas you can focus on for your comparison. Some of you have expressed their interest in writing about the status, role and expectations of these women. But I want you to focus more. For example, you could look at their operating and education and how this affects their role in society. Or you could consider their representation in literature at that time. There are many possibilities. So I want you to start narrowing down your topic now, and have it approved by either myself or one of the tutors by next Friday. If you have any questions see me after class. All right let’s get back to the Persians. I assume you’ve all read chapter 12 and the selected readings.
That is the end of listening 2.2.