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AP News:民众悼念拳王阿里 波多黎各初选投票开始


AP News:民众悼念拳王阿里 波多黎各初选投票开始

This is AP News Minute.
Mourners are paying their respects to Muhammad Ali by leaving flowers and memorabilia at the boxing icon's childhood Kentucky home. Memorials have grown throughout Louisville, where Ali will be burried at a funeral service on Friday.
With 60 delegates at stake, Democrats in Puerto Rico are voting Sunday in their primary. Hillary Clinton is likely to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination in the next few days. Clinton is just 60 delegates short of the 2,383 needed to advance the general election.
Firefighters in Paris on Sunday were pumping out around 2,000 gallons of water from a flooded main road. The city has suffered major flooding after the Seine rose to its highest level in nearly 35 years on Saturday.

And a 90-year-old German gymnast carried out a tandem parachute jump on Sunday in honor of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, who also turned 90 this year. The parachuter said her jump would show what people of her age were still capable of.
Emily Roseman, Associated Press with AP News Minute.