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AP News:希拉里与议员沃伦同台 最高法院推翻德州堕胎限制法案

In a 5-3 decision the Supreme Court struck down Texas'widely replicated regulation of abortion clinics. Abortion rights advocates consider the regulations as a thinly veiled attempt to make it harder for a woman to get an abortion. The case represents the court’s biggest abortion decision in nearly a quarter century.

In their first campaign appearance together, Elizabeth Warren joined forces with Hillary Clinton. The Democratic presumptive nominee greeted the Massachusetts Senator at a campaign stop in Ohio. Warren’s appearance adding a powerful boost to Clinton’s liberal credibility.

Hundreds of Iraqis are fleeing their homes in the Fallujah. According to the U.N., more than 3.3 million Iraqis have fled their homes since the Islamic State advanced on the city. Iraqi forces say they are now in control of Fallujah.

And in London, a happy moment in the spirit of pride. A police officer marching in London's gay pride parade proposed to his boyfriend while on duty. The marching came to a halt as the officer got down on one knee. The crowd’s celebrating as a “yes” is exchanged.

Emily Roseman, Associated Press with AP News Minute.