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This is AP News Minute.

Bill Cosby's lawyers are pressing a judge to keep his deposition from a previous lawsuit out of his Pennsylvania sexual assault trial. They say Cosby wouldn't have testified in the lawsuit if he knew the testimony could be used against him in criminal court. Cosby remains free on $1 million's bail.

The Iraq special forces entered the outskirts of Mosul Tuesday and were advancing toward its more urban center despite fierce resistance by Islamic State group fighters who hold the city. Airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition supporting the operation added to the fire hitting the area.

Investigators are looking into what caused a school bus to crash into the side of a commuter bus in Southwest Baltimore, killing at least six and injuring others. Officials say the school bus driver is dead and the only other person on the bus was an aide, who survived.

The Atlanta Zoo has announced its giant panda is once again the mother of twin girls. The twins, now nearly 2 months old, are the second pair of surviving giant panda cubs born in the U.S.. They are expected to make their debut at the Atlanta Zoo in December or January.

Matthew Burgoyne, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.