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AP News:小熊队108年来首次夺冠


This is AP News Minute.

Investigators say they have found the gun believed to have been used to kill two Iowa police officers. Two police officers were shot Wednesday while sitting in their patrol cars in separate incidents about 20 minutes apart. There has been an outpouring of support from the Des Moines community upon the deadly shooting.

With five days left until Election Day, President Barack Obama was on the stump for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, urging voters to "choose hope". Meanwhile, Donald Trump told supporters Clinton would be under investigation for many years for her use of a private email server.

Iraqi special forces continued to consolidate their foothold in eastern Mosul on Thursday, despite two attempted car bomb attacks on their positions. Special forces stormed into Mosul's outskirts on Tuesday after two weeks of advances through surrounding IS-held territory.

And the Cubbies have returned to sweet home Chicago after knocking off the Indians in Cleveland to win their first World Series in 108 years. A caravan of Cubs buses was welcomed by a ruckus crowd outside Wrigley Field early Thursday morning.

Emily Roseman, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.