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AP News:法国动物园第一只大熊猫出生


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The US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's actions indicate that he is begging for war. The UN Security Council gathered at an emergency meeting as members called for punishing North Korea with even stronger sanctions for its powerful nuclear test.

DACA holders are anxious ahead of President Donald Trump's expected announcement that he will end protections for young immigrants brought to the US illegally as children. In Houston, undocumented residents already coping as flood victims are now also worried about being deported, keeping many from seeking help.

Thousands of Rohingya refugees are streaming daily across Myanmar's border into Bangladesh. Hospitals are overwhelmed by victims seeking treatment for violent injuries. Some 87,000 Rohingya Muslims have entered Bangladesh already, fleeing violence that erupted last month.

A French zoo is celebrating a successful first month of a rare baby panda by releasing footage showing him from the day of his birth onwards. The panda's mother bore twins, but the first one was too weak to survive. This baby panda is doing well.

Noreen Nasir, Associated Press with AP News Minute.