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AP News:库尔德选民支持从伊拉克独立


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Congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump unveiled the first major revamp of the nation's tax system in a generation. It's a sweeping 5-trillion plans that would deeply cut taxes for corporations, simplify the code and nearly double the standard deduction used by most Americans. But there are too many gaps to know how it would affect individual tax-payers and families.

The University of Louiville placed coach Rick Pitino and athletic director Tom Jurich on administrative leave amid a federal bribery investigation. The interim university president said Pitino is on unpaid leave. The coach's attorney said that Louiville has "effectively fired Pitino" .

The Trump administration is sending a flotilla of ships and thousands more military personnel to Puerto Rico to address the growing humanitarian crisis caused by Hurricane Maria. The Federal Emergency Management Agency reports that badly damaged airports and seaports are making it difficult to get aid and personnel to the striken island.


People celebrated in the streets in Iraqi Kurdistan after the Kurdish referedum on independence from Iraq was approved by more than 92% of voters. But the non-binding vote is unlikely to lead to formal independence, and Iraq's prime minister vowed to keep his country united without resorting to the use of force.

I'm Matt Friedman, Associated Press with AP News Minute.