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AP News:叙利亚疑似化学武器袭击


This is AP News Minute.

The Russian military says Syrian forces now control Douma, northeast of Damascus. That's the site of a suspected chemical attack on Saturday. Buses were seen going there on Thursday with evacuations underway.

House Republicans must decide who will be their next leader after Paul Ryan announced his retirement. Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Kevin McCarthy of California are seen as the top contenders.
 Flint, Michigan residents protested in their state capital following their governor's decision to close Flint's 4 remaining bottled water sites. Flint's water system was tainted with lead several years ago and many people, including children were exposed to it.
 And a Boston fire truck ladder collapsed onto a three story building. A firefighter was able to climb safely out of the bucket onto the roof. He was not seriously hurt.

Shirley Smith, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.