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This is AP News Minute.
President Donald Trump's meeting with Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico was billed as a celebration of economic ties and the new North American trade agreement. But critics in Mexico worry their leader is being used a political pawn to bolster Trump's reelection effort.

More employers who cite religious or moral grounds can decline to offer cost-free birth control coverage to their workers. The Supreme Court ruling Wednesday, upheld Trump administration rules that could leave more than 70,000 women without free contraception. The high court ruled 7-2 for the administration.
United Airlines is sending layoff warnings to 36,000 employees, nearly half its U.S. staff. It's the clearest signal yet of how deeply the COVID-19 pandemic is hurting the airline industry. United officials said Wednesday that they still hope to limit the number of layoffs by offering early retirement.
Izzy and Darwin, a bonded pair of Magellanic penguins who live at Chicago's Shedd Aquarium, recently took a field trip to visit neighbors at the Field Museum. The penguins first met Máximo the Titanosaur, then made a special visit to Sue, the famous T.rex.