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AP News in a Minute
AP News:旧金山海滩发现鲸鱼尸体
This is AP News Minute.Iran says it wants to renegotiate its nuclear deal with the countries still sticking to the agreement. The US left the deal a year ago and restored economic
AP News in a Minute2019-05-10AP News:两名普利策奖获奖记者获释
This is AP News Minute.Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is refusing to turn over President Trump's tax returns to house Democrats. He says there is no legitimate legislative reaso
AP News in a Minute2019-05-09AP News:特朗普总统前私人律师获刑三年
This is AP News Minute.President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen is scheduled to begin 3 years in prison on Monday. Cohen was sentenced for crimes including campaign finance v
AP News in a Minute2019-05-08AP News:男子跌落基拉韦厄火山口
This is AP News Minute.President Trump indicated he may not let former White House counsel Don Magahn testify before Congress. Trump told FOX News he provided total transparency to
AP News in a Minute2019-05-07AP News:日本明仁天皇退位
This is AP News Minute.The FBI says it got tips about an attack on Jews, about 5 minutes before the synagogue shooting near San Diego. Suspect John T. Earnest's initial court appe
AP News in a Minute2019-05-04AP News:印第安纳州参议员理查德·卢格去世
This is AP News Minute.Officials say the three people wounded in a shooting at a Southern California synagogue have been released from hospitals. The attack during a passover servi
AP News in a Minute2019-04-30AP News:亚历山大·汉密尔顿生平展亮相芝加哥
This is AP News Minute.President Donald Trump told the National Rifle Association that Democrats want to take away their guns. A man was removed from the audience in Indianapolis a
AP News in a Minute2019-04-29AP News:艺术家田地上画出巨幅达芬奇肖像
This is AP News Minute.Sri Lanka's President has asked for the resignations of the Defense Secretary and the National Police Chief after security forces failed to act on warnings
AP News in a Minute2019-04-26AP News:前罗彻斯特制药公司首席执行官自首
This is AP News Minute.The former head of a US Drug Distribution Company has been indicted on two counts of conspiracy. Former Rochester Drug Co-operative CEO Laurence Doud III sur
AP News in a Minute2019-04-25AP News:斯里兰卡总统授予军队和警察全面权力
This is AP News Minute.Sri Lanka's President is giving the country's military sweeping police powers following the Easter bombings that killed nearly 300 people, including at lea
AP News in a Minute2019-04-24AP News:司法部公布穆勒报告修订版
This is AP News Minute.After two years of waiting, the Department of Justice released a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, revealing that President Donal
AP News in a Minute2019-04-23AP News:穆勒报告将于周四公布
This is AP News Minute.The Justice Department is set to release a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report Thursday. Democrats are blasting Attorney General Wil
AP News in a Minute2019-04-22AP News:国会要求公布穆勒报告完整版
This is AP News Minute.Colorado authorities are looking for a 18-year-old Miami woman, said to be infatuated with the 1999 Columbine high school shooting. Authorities say Sol Pais
AP News in a Minute2019-04-19AP News:特朗普为2020年连任积累优势
This is AP News Minute.President Trump is building a big cash advantage heading into his 2020 re-election campaign. Figures provided to the Associated Press show the Trump campaign
AP News in a Minute2019-04-17AP News:巴黎圣母院失火
This is AP News Minute.A massive fire engulfed the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris as stunned residents and tourists looked on from the streets below. There were no early rep
AP News in a Minute2019-04-16AP News:维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇被捕
This is AP News Minute.Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is charged with conspiring to break into a US government computer. He was arrested Thursday in London. His lawyer says he'l
AP News in a Minute2019-04-16AP News:本杰明·内塔尼亚胡可能赢得大选
This is AP News Minute.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have won a fifth term in office. Unofficial results show his party and its allies winning a solid majori
AP News in a Minute2019-04-15AP News:波音737事故初步报告发布
This is AP News Minute.A House Committee Chairman has formerly requested President Trump's personal and business tax returns from the IRS. Democrats say obtaining the taxes falls
AP News in a Minute2019-04-12AP News:洛丽·莱特富特当选芝加哥市长
This is AP News Minute.A suspect has been arrested in the deadly shooting of rapper Nipsey Hussle. 29-year-old Eric Holder was captured in Bellflower, near Los Angeles Tuesday.Form
AP News in a Minute2019-04-10AP News:华盛顿女子推好友下桥被判2天
This is AP News Minute.The British Parliament voted on and rejected multiple plans to take Britain out of the European Union. Prime Minister Theresa May told lawmakers she is prepa
AP News in a Minute2019-04-03AP News:特朗普称通俄门调查是骗局
This is AP News Minute.President Trump says the Russia investigation is an elaborate hoax, and those behind it should be held responsible. Trump also told a rally in Grand Rapids,
AP News in a Minute2019-04-02AP News:密苏里河洪水造成至少3人死亡
This is AP News Minute.A Justice Department official tells the Associated Press that a version of Robert Mueller's report will be available to the public in weeks, not months. Dem
AP News in a Minute2019-03-29AP News:共和党要求公布穆勒完整报告
This is AP News Minute.House Democrats are calling for the Justice Department to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's full report. 6 House Committee chairmen wrote to Attorney
AP News in a Minute2019-03-28AP News:穆勒报告称2016年总统选举与俄罗斯无关
This is AP News Minute.Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report found no evidence that President Trump's 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Russia. However, according to Att
AP News in a Minute2019-03-27AP News:新西兰穆斯林举行默哀仪式
Residents of the Mozambican port city of Beira continued to desperately wait for aid in the aftermath of a cyclone. The city has been 90% destroyed.US Secretary of State Mike Pumpe
AP News in a Minute2019-03-25
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