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BBC news hello, I'm Garif Barlow.
Israel and the European Union have publically disagreed over president Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The US decision has led to protest across the Middle East. Gavin Lee is in Brussels. During a brief and awkward press conference in Brussels, Benjamin Netanyahu and Federica Mogherini stood together but disagreed markedly with each other's position. Federica Mogherini reiterated that the EU believes the only option on the table for Jerusalem is one which will lead to the city being the capital for both Israel and Palestine, the so-called "two-state solution". Benjamin Netanyahu said he believed European countries would follow the US lead and move their embassies to Jerusalem in the future. And he said president Trump's announcement had been an acknowledgement of Jewish history.

In a further sign of reforming Saudi Arabia, the government says the ban on public cinemas will be lifted early next year. The Minister of Culture and Information said regulators were now looking a way to licensing new cinemas. It's part of a major drive by the young Crown Prince Mohammad Ben Salman to reenergize the country's economy by providing more opportunities and entertainment for Saudis. Efforts to contain wildfires in Southern California are focusing on a blaze which threatens the city of Santa Barbara. The Thomas Fire, as is known, has become one of the largest in the state's history. It has destroyed nearly 800 houses and damaged an area greater than that of New York City. Dave Zaniboni of the Santa Barbara County Fire Department says the situation is critical. We still have pockets of fire in this area as we do in the whole front country here in Carpinteria. We are inserting our fire engines and our equipment in those areas and try to protect. Our main priority is structures obviously. Right. Life and property.

Spanish police have begun an operation overnight to move 44 medieval religious artefacts from a museum in Catalonia to the neighboring region of Aragon despite protest from several hundred people. The disputes gained added significance during the push for independence by Catalan separatists, the Madrid subsequent imposition of control over the region. Danny Abha reports. The treasures of the Royal Aragonese Monastery of Sijena have become the subject to the bitter political tussle. Some of its most beautiful pieces, including fabulous gilded and polychrome coffins were sold by the nuns to the Catalan government more than 30 years ago. They are being displayed in the museum of Lleida. But 2 years ago, court ruled they must be returned to Sijena. Police moved in with packing cases in the early hours of the morning.

World News from the BBC.