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BBC news 2018-02-27

BBC News with Neil Nunes.

More civilians have been killed in the Syrian enclave of Eastern Ghouta as pro-government forces continue their assault. Monitors say there have been 10 further deaths on Monday. The offensive has continued despite the UN Security Council’s demand for a ceasefire in Syria.

President Moon Jae-in of South Korea has called on both the US and North Korea to show flexibility with a view to possible talks. He said Washington should lower its threshold for talks with the North while Pyongyang should show willingness to get rid of its nuclear weapons.

Shipments of some of the world’s most precious seeds are to be delivered today to a vault in Svalbard above the Arctic Circle. It will take the number of seeds stored there pass the one million mark. The global seed vault was set up in the Norwegian territory a decade ago.


Nigeria says it’s sending more air planes to help with the search for the girls missing after an Islamist attack on their school last week. It’s feared Boko Haram militants kidnapped more than a hundred girls in Yobe State.

The New York Studio co-founded by the film producer Harvey Weinstein has announced it’s filed for bankruptcy after talks with an invest group collapsed.

Papua New Guinea has sent troops and rescue workers into the mountainous interior after a powerful earthquake of 7.5 magnitude. There are unconfirmed reports of death. Officials have warned of aftershocks.

A Polish mountaineer trying the first solo winter ascent to the world second highest mountain K2 has given up his attempt to the climb. Fellow members of his expedition had called the attempt completely suicidal.

BBC News.