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BBC news 2018-02-28

BBC News with Debby Russ.

The Syrian government’s assault on the rebel enclave of Eastern Ghouta has come to a halt for five hours. The five-hour pause was ordered by Russia, the government’s main backer. Their aim is to allow civilians to leave. It’s not clear that food and medicines will be bought into the enclave.

The BBC has seen evidences that Syrian men delivering aid are still sexually exploiting women. There were warnings about the abuse in 2015. But report for the UN found aid was still being exchanged for sex last year.


The former South Korean President Park Geun-hye could face a 30-year prison sentence if the court accepts the prosecutor’s demands. Mrs. Park was removed from office over corruption scandal and has been charged of bribery and abuse of power.

The largest cable operator in America is hoping to buy the Sky Television Group. Comcast has been putting a bid for 31 billion dollars. The sum is bigger than the offer from 21st Century Fox which has a minority stake in Sky.

Japan has arrested almost 100 asylum seekers for working illegally. The detentions are parts of the first crackdown on abuses of its strict refugee system. Japan approved just 20 asylum cases last year out of nearly 25,000 applications.

New Zealand’s opposition national party has elected Simon Bridges as its first ever Maori leader. He would be supported by a Maori deputy. Mr. Bridges campaigned on a platform of a generational change.

A new study has shown that microbes can survive without water for decades. The results come from the Atacama Desert in Chile, one of the driest places on earth. The researchers say the results increase hope for finding life on Mars which has similarly dry conditions.

BBC news.