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BBC在线收听下载:中国彻查问题疫苗 行业股价暴跌


Hello, This is Kathy Clugston with the BBC News.

President Trump has warned Iran that it will face consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered if it threatens the United States again. Earlier, in a speech in California to hundreds of mostly sympathetic Iranian Americans, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo likened the Iranian government to the mafia. Barbara Plett-Usher was there.

This is the first time a top US official has directly addressed such a large group of Iranian Americans. It's part of the administration strategy to increase the pressure on Iran's leadership. Mr. Pompeo launched a blistering verbal attack against the government, claiming that it contained no political moderates, and denouncing officials by name for plundering the country's wealth, including the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. At the same time, he promised support for Iranian people who are unhappy with the government. He didn't give much detail, though, and was careful not to endorse America-led regime change.

A gunman in the Canadian city of Toronto has killed one person and wounded thirteen others. Witnesses at restaurants in the neighborhood described here more than twenty shots. It saw the victims were spread across several blocks of the city. The police chief Mark Saunders said the motive for the shootings in the Greektown area was unclear. He told reporters the gunman had also died.

Other than the shooter, we have a young lady that has, that is deceased right now, and we have a young girl, I believe, eight or nine years old, that is in critical state at this point of time.

Shares in Chinese vaccine makers and biotech companies have slumped after the Premier Li Keqiang ordered an investigation into the industry. He said the perpetrators of crimes that endanger people's lives will be held accountable. In the latest, in a series of health scandals, one company was found to have fabricated data on a rabies vaccine. Stephen McDonell reports.

Changsheng Biotechnology was found to have violated safety standards when making a rabies vaccine. It's been ordered to halt production and recall this and other vaccines. This seems to be no cases so far of people being harmed by the vaccine, nor of anyone contracting rabies having taken it.

World news from the BBC.