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The new issue of O Magazine has an extraordinary and inspiring essay in it by Oprah. It is for everyone who has ever said "How did I let this happen again?" . She's talking about regaining the weight she lost over the past two years and also learning a whole new lesson about herself and about life. ABC’s Jackie Hyland has more of what she said.

It's one of the greatest experiences of certainly my life time and he's been wonderful I think for everybody in the country. Barack Obama’s biggest fan Oprah Winfrey was thrilled at his historic victory. But inside Oprah may not have been feeling very good about herself and an issue she’s been battling for decades.

"I am mad at myself. I am embarrassed. I can’t believe that after all these years, all the things I know how to do, I’m still talking about my weight. I look at my thinner self and think, "How did I let this happen again?"

Oprah reveals with her usual brutal honesty how she has fallen off the wagon (1) and has ballooned to over 200 pounds. In the January 2009 issue of O Magazine, she details her recent struggles with an out-of-balance thyroid (2), how she feared her usual exercise regime.

She says "I was so frustrated I started eating whatever I wanted and that’s never good." Oprah has famously struggled with her weight. In 1988, she wheeled a wagon loaded with fat onto a set to show her 67 pound weight loss. She had been on a liquid protein diet for months. But her Size 10 Calvins (3) didn't last long. Within two years she had regained all of that weight and claimed she'd never diet again.

Perhaps America's most famous yo-yo dieter (4) over the last 20 years, Oprah shared her struggles on her show: Finished the Marine Corps Marathon and topped the scales at over 237 pounds. "I definitely wasn't setting an example", she writes, "I was talking the talk, but I wasn’t walking the walk (5). And that was very disappointing to me. " 

Now it's just weeks to go until Obama's historic presidency begins. Oprah is wondering what she will be wearing to the inaugural ball. "I had a dress on the vision board but I am not sure that's gonna fit." Winfrey said, "So I have to work on something else. " After two decades of fighting the battle of the bulge, this January we'll watch Oprah once again take on her toughest challenge.

 For Good Morning America, Jackie Hyland ABC News New York.


(1)Fall off the wagon: When someone is said to have fallen off the wagon, it means that he or she did something which he or she had pledged not to do. This term is often used in the context of drinking; people who try to quit drinking may struggle and fall off the wagon at some point in response to stress, social temptation, and other factors.

(2)Thyroid: A small organ at the front of the neck that produces hormones that control the way in which the body grows and functions.

(3)Calvin: Calvin Klein, a famous clothing brand.

(4)Yo-yo diet:  A repeated loss and gain of body weight due to excessive dieting.

(5)Talk the talk and walk the walk: The expression basically means that one backs up his words with action, or lives up to his claim. "Talk the talk, but not walk the walk." refers to some people who only pay lip service without concrete action.