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I think the fact that the United States is going to take genuine efforts to reduce emissions, is gonna really put billions of dollars into the greening of our economy, that it is going to step up and engage in bona fide, open, science-based negotiations, it's a dramatic change, and I think that alone, is gonna meet a certain level of expectation.

And you said that President Obama will sign up to mandatory emission cuts but only if some other countries, developing countries, like China do too?

We are gonna do mandatory cuts because we have to, but the only way you are gonna get a treaty that is passable in United States Senate, is going to be to have global participation, all countries will have to do something. We can define different rates, different levels, different layers, but it's got to be measurable, reportable, and verifiable, and in the end this gotta be real actions that other countries have taken, so that no one is feeling they are doing things, but some other country is out there undoing everything they are doing.

Another concern is here too, that the Copenhagen deadline could slip, is that something that you are worried about?

Well, I know, we just, we shouldn't let it slip, we need to keep that target on mind, and I think it’s silly now to be talking about letting the target slip before all the players are in place, and before we’ve really grappled with those issues, we need to keep the pressure on, we need to say that’s a target, we are gonna try to meet, do our darnedest to meet.


bona fide: genuine;authentic

darnedest: the most possible.